Man Tablet

Personal Savings Allowance Explained

Find out what the Personal Savings Allowance is, whether you need to pay tax on savings, and how to pay tax if you exceed your tax-free savings limits.

Viewing Laptop With Headphones On

How does interest work?

We explain what interest rates are and how interest rates work. Learn about the difference between interest on loans and savings accounts, and more.

Lady On Laptop Leaning Against Sofa

Cash ISA or savings account: Understanding the differences

Looking to find out the main difference between a Cash ISA and other savings accounts? Our guide explains and will help you choose your best option.

Couple Looking At A Mac

What is a fixed rate bond?

What is a fixed rate bond? Find out how fixed rate bonds work and if you need to pay tax on the interest earned in our guide on fixed rate bonds explained.

Man With Dog

Will opening a savings account affect my credit score?

Opening a savings account won’t usually affect your credit score as money isn’t being borrowed, but there can be an indirect link. Learn more with Shawbrook.

Using Laptop And Phone

FSCS protection for your savings

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) covers your savings up to £85,000. Learn more about FSCS protection and the compensation limits.

About our savings products

Find a contact number, explore our products or get help and inspiration with our savings insights hub.

Detail Of The Hands Of A Man With A Mobile Phone And A Paper Cup Of Coffee

Contact us about savings

If you need to get in touch with our team, you can find details here.

Woman Smiling And Looking Away

Our savings proposition

You’ll find out more about our products and proposition on our savings home page.

Woman In Nature On A Cold Foggy Day

Savings insights hub

Whether you’re looking to brush up on your knowledge of the savings basics or understand what to consider when choosing a savings account, our insights hub has a range of useful information to help you to make the most of your money.